Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Breaking through into a new world of ebook marketing - you can, too!

Ebook Marketing is a key way to simply build a quick fortune...

All the money you want can be gotten with ebooks
Or so I've been told.

Of course my own methods of study are to grab all the freely-available PDF's I can and then extract the useful data from these in order to make my own conclusions. (And you'll see my own ebook on this shortly, BTW).

And in that, you get actual examples of well-executed ebooks and what comes across as pure amateur.

The point is that this is one industry which hasn't reached saturation yet, so the early adopters are making tons of money and becoming million-seller authors within a few years if they work it right.

And the secrets are few in this area. Amazon actually hosts ebooks on this subject, to boot. So their gain can be yours as well.

I've been accumulating data on this for a few months now, plus some years of experience in publishing books as hardcopy through my Lulu bookstore.
This then tends to put me quite ahead of the rest.

But what I wanted to share with you today is that this system falls into the same "ignore conventional wisdom" advice as always works.

You don't need to have a huge book to get going. Amazon has this as something around 5000 words as a minimum - which is maybe 5 longish blog  posts. Right up to this point is just over 200 words.

You still have to learn how to write, and your books need to be free of spelling and grammar errors. So that will take the longest. But if you are already bitten with the author bug and have spent your "10,000 hours" (per Gladwell's "Outliers") writing, editing, and posting your content  - then you are set to go.

Here's the trick:

Use Smashwords to create your book and publish first though them. They will then give you all the various copies of the books they generate for you. Then you can take these cleaned-up copies and post to Amazon and Lulu.

The next tip is to publish your hardcopy book through Lulu to help those ebook sales.
There's a great deal more advice on these. But the essence is that Amazon can now be your outlet, your funded proposal, for generating both leads and income as an author.

I'll help lay this out in a few days - but now, I have a virtual ton of books to get posted up on Amazon for the Christmas rush... 

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