First, this interesting approach from the people at Despair, Inc...
This one by someone called "davejames04" (how's that for fostering trust?) has had some access to the actual material and gives a relatively sedate over view.
Now, the same video over at DailyMotion has this as a blurb:
Coffee Shop Millionaire currently set to launch February 17th 2011 is an affiliate marketing and training program opportunity created by Anthony Trister. Coffee Shop Millionaire will launch February of 2011 and looks to be the next giant affiliate marketing and training opportunity from highly successful Anthony Trister. The total investment of the program will be roughly $200 dollars plus an ongoing monthly subscription. Coffee Shop Millionaire is a legitimate affiliate marketing training program and opportunity that some could find success with. Remember, it is best to complete your due diligence before joining any program and understanding what you can expect from the opportunity and what is expected of yourself in creating the success you are looking for even with Coffee Shop Millionaire.
But check out this hype-ridden video here:
Can you just get all the emotions this thing generates?
Look, I'm the original "oh no, not another scam..." guy. In fact I wrote the book on how to "Get Your Self Scam Free." So when a snazzy video with all the bells and whistles comes out, I generally tend to wonder how much this is going to cost me...
And unfortunately, there are only about 5 videos out there just two weeks before the release - and these are the best of them. (And at this viewing, they are only about 3-5 views each. One tops out at 10...) So we are in a black-out of data.
Now, digging through Google, I found this down at number 10 - well, it was linked to a Hub page which sat there at actual #10. In addition to the puffery (you can check it out yourself at there's this graphic:
There is just simply no way to understand what all this is about. Go ahead, check out that site and see what you figure out about it. (A priceless "Resource Rolodex"?)
A little more research (onto page 2 of Google, where it gets really skimpy), I find the following brief description:
"Anthony’s Coffee Shop Millionaire is an online tutorial IM course which is filled with everything that is needed for generating enormous revenues through online business. And it also comes with phone support because Anthony wants to be sure that none of his students ever fall behind.
"Everything that Anthony knows about making online money is revealed in Coffee Shop Millionaire as he explicitly demonstrates how he was able to make online sales of more than $21 million. But showing off his own feats is not enough and so he also conveys the exact methods, the precise techniques and the minute tactics which were used to accomplish this.
"Within the context of Coffee Shop Millionaire, users will be led through the very easy to follow process of building effective marketing websites, launching information products, attracting targeted search engine traffic, growing email lists and making sales which, of course, bring in the cash.CSM will work just as well for the newest Internet marketer who hasn’t yet made a single dime online as it will for the more experienced marketer who is simply trying to improve his or her business in order to make more money."
Now an article a couple of days ago (Feb 2) says:
"Coffee Shop Millionaire will launch February of 2011 and looks to be the next giant affiliate marketing and training opportunity from highly successful Anthony Trister. The total investment of the program will be roughly $200 dollars plus an ongoing monthly subscription. For many current affiliate marketers this could be a serious launch opportunity to take hold of.
"The CSM training program will consist of similar marketing trainings commonly found within the information products arena. The focus will be through it's much larger and well known JV partners who will take part in the training which will involve how to release an information product, drive traffic to the product and build a list of subscribers. This of course will be a massive learning curve as many of us who have found success do understand.
"The affiliate opportunity with the Coffee Shop program will consist of either JV rights, or through being approved by Anthony Trister to affiliate yourself with the new launch product. Commission will be earned through both promoting and selling the CSM system and compensation from the ongoing subscription fee combined."
(from David James Boozer @
By this time, my research took my way past Google's page 4, and the entries are simply falling apart. Just no data available at this point.
What's a guy to do?
You're really left with the data on his JV invite page (, where Trisker tells you all about this offer without telling you anything - even despite the fact you have all sorts of blanked out reciepts and records and so on.

Worse, there looks to be some "top-down" control of who you can actually promote for. Some sort of centralized JV scene, if these articles and "independent" reviews (which all have an affiliate link) can be trusted.
(And, yes, that's my link at the top of the page - just click the title.)
Summary: At this point, we are getting into a system which tells you how to do great releases - real million-dollar money-makers. Of course, you're going to be supporting Trister while he trains you on his personal system. If you are really, really good at getting people to sign up, then there's some sort of split of this system - like a two-tier affiliate gig. But you factor in the point that about 3% of 3% actually make that millionaire status - and the 10,000 hours a person has to exert to really become expert at something (as in "Outliers" by Gladwell) and you'll see that the cards are really stacked against you. The trick is going to be how well Trister delivers his training...
Caveat Emptor is all I can say.
However, the research continues (in between sips of my cafe' latte' grande) ;)
And we don't have long to wait - the pre-launch starts on Feb 10th. (Looks like I'm going to need at least one refill...)
PS. Tomorrow, I hope to dissect a PDF Trister sent me as part of signing up for his release-event mail list... Stay tuned.)
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